Fragmenten van het artikel The jihadi experiences; The most important enemy targets aimed at by the individual jihad (pagina 23-24 van nummer 9) - let op het antisemitisme sprekend uit punt 6. en de aanbeveling (punt 9.) onschuldige burgers om te brengen bij wijze van wraak:
The goal of the operations of the Resistance and the Individual Terrorism Jihad is to inflict as many human and material losses as possible upon the interests of America and her allies, and to make them feel that the Resistance has transformed into a phenomenon of popular uprising against them [...].
The most important targets in America and in Western countries allied to her militarily:
1. Main political figures who lead the campaign against the Muslims such as the heads of states, ministers, military and security leaders.
2. Large strategic economic targets, such as: The Stock Exchange, power and oil installations, airports, harbors, railroad systems, bridges and highway intersections, tunnels on the highways, metro systems, tourist targets… and so on, [targeting] resources and sources for the economy.
[...] 6. Places where Jews are gathered, their leading personalities and institutions in Europe, avoiding places of worship and synagogues [denk aan de school waar Mohammed Merah aan het moorden sloeg; K].
[...] 9. Striking civilians in general, to deter them or for retaliation (avoiding women and children when separated from men in places especially designed for them, like schools and the similar).
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