Zie ook (deels later toegevoegd):
'Goldman speculeerde met aan pensioenfonds verkochte producten'
Nu.nl, 14 augustus 2012
Goldman Sachs niet vervolgd
Door Anne-Greet Haars, BNR Nieuwsradio, 10 augsustus 2012
Obama Surrenders to Goldman Sachs
Door Andrew Leonard, Salon / Alternet, 10 augustus 2012
Goldman Sachs en de vernietiging van Griekenland
VPRO Tegenlicht, 13 februari 2012
Goldman Sachs Insider Resigns Over ‘Toxic And Destructive’ Culture That Mirrors The Global Ponzi Scheme
Door Joe Romm, Climate Progress, 14 maart 2012
This must-read piece underscores how self-destructive our largely unregulated plutocracy has become. [...] As I’ve said before, 'The Other 99% of Us Can’t Buy Our Way Out of the Impending Global Ponzi Scheme Collapse'. We have in fact constructed the grandest of Ponzi schemes [piramidespelen; K], whereby current generations have figured out how to live off the wealth of future generations.
We are living unsustainably, and the ‘greed is good’ culture embodied by Goldman Sachs – where the only thing that matters is short-term profit – is one of the reasons why.
Goldman Sachs Takeaway: Fix Our Financial System or Get Ready for the Next Horrific Collapse
Door Marshall Auerback, Alternet, 15 maart 1012
Only an overhaul in our broken banking and financial system will prevent the next collapse. Goldman Sachs' misdeeds are merely a symptom of a much bigger problem.
Is the global economy a Ponzi scheme?
Door Joe Romm, Climate Progress, 8 maart 2009
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Belangrijkste oorzaken economische crisis
'Wij zitten gevangen in onze jacht op rijkdom'
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