Heat, Drought, Rising Food Costs, and Global Unrest
Door Michael T. Klare, Tom Dispatch, 7 augustus 2012
[...] if history is any guide, rising food prices [...] will [...] lead to widespread social unrest and violent conflict.
Zie ook:
Boek Full Planet, Empty Plates: The New Geopolitics of Food Scarcity
Door Lester R. Brown, Earth Pollicy Institute, 160 pagina's, verwacht 1 oktober 2012
Later toegevoegd:
Get Ready For Food Prices To Go Way Up, Thanks To Climate Change
Door Jeff Spross, 21 augustus 2013
'Prijzen landbouwproducten gaan stijgen'
Trouw, 6 juni 2013
'Wereld gaat periode in van chronische voedselschaarste'
Door Lester Brown, Trouw, 8 februari 2013
Verenigde Naties alarmeren: 'Globale voedselcrisis in 2013'
Trouw, 14 oktober 2012 (zie ook The Guardian)
Hoge maïsprijs leidt tot honger en instabiliteit
Trouw, 11 oktober 2012
Klimaat bedreigt voedselzekerheid sneller dan verwacht
Trouw, 17 september 2012
VN: Geen bewijs voor voedselcrisis
Trouw, 6 juni 2012
'Welcome to Dystopia': We Are 'Entering A Long-Term And Politically Dangerous Food Crisis'
Door Jeremy Grantham, Climate Progress, 16 augustus 2012
We are five years into a severe global food crisis that is very unlikely to go away. It will threaten poor countries with increased malnutrition and starvation and even collapse. Resource squabbles and waves of food-induced migration will threaten global stability and global growth. This threat is badly underestimated by almost everybody and all institutions with the possible exception of some military establishments.
[...] Grantham’s work makes very clear that the global economy is a Ponzi scheme.
Global Food Reserves Falling as Drought Wilts Crops: Commodities
Door Tony C. Dreibus en Elizabeth Campbell, Bloomberg Business Week, 8 augustus 2012
VN-landbouworganisatie: nieuwe voedselcrisis dreigt
Trouw, 9 augustus 2012
Don't Want to Be a Vegetarian? You May Not Have a Choice
Door John Vidal, 29 augustus 2012
Water scarcity's effect on food production means radical steps will be needed to feed a population expected to reach 9 billion by 2050.
How Huge Food Corporations Will Make Upcoming Food Price Hikes Even Worse
Door Jill Richardson, Alternet, 7 augstus 2012
The entire American food system is built on one crop - corn. And that is really bad news.
Slechtste graanoogst VS in jaren door droogte
Trouw, 10 augustus 2012
Drought Forces Reductions in U.S. Crop Forecasts
The New York Times, Door Ron Nixon en Annie Lowrey, 10 augustus 2012
El Niño ontstaan in Stille Oceaan
Nu.nl, 10 augustus 2012
Global Food Prices Rose 10 Percent In July; World Bank Issues Hunger Warning
Door Stephen Lacey, Climate Progress, 31 augustus 2012
En m'n blognotities:
Olieschaarste bedreigt economie, natuur en milieu
Hoge voedselprijzen door extreem weer door klimaatverandering
Bosbranden in VS tonen gezicht opwarmende aarde
Hunger Games vs. People Power
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