Door Brian Merchant, Treehugger, 6 augustus 2012
Papua New Guinea's government has just granted a Canadian mining company a 20-year licence to harvest its deep sea territories for copper and gold. Once it commences, it will be the first commercial deep sea mining operation ever carried out.
"PNG is the guinea pig for deep-sea mining," says Helen Rosenbaum [...] [co-ordinator of the The Deep Sea Mining (DSM) campaign]: "The mining companies are waiting in the wings ready to pile in. It's a new frontier, which is a worrying development ... Nautilus has found a place so far away from people that they can get away with any impacts. They've picked an underfunded government without the regulation of developed countries that will have no way of monitoring this properly.
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Goudkoorts verspreidt zich over de oceaanbodem
Door Seije Slager, Trouw, 24 juli 2014
[Let op de ontstellend slappe houding van de wetenschapper; K]
New report: Deep sea mining high risk
Greenpeace, 8 juli 2013
The extinction of unique deep sea species and other significant irreversible environmental damage to our oceans are a likely result of an emerging trend to exploit seabed minerals, Greenpeace International warned today.
VN-topman lanceert actie voor oceanen, 12 augustus 2012
Ocean Health Study Raises Concerns, Offers Some Hope
Door Ben Bovarnick, Climate Progress, 18 augustus 2012
Deep-Sea Mining Is Closer Than You Think
Door Jeffrey Marlow, Wired, 18 december 2012
[Marlow bepleit 'cooperative participation from scientists' om het zeeleven te beschermen; terwijl hij wetenschappers zou moeten oproepen tot protest tegen deze zoveelste natuurvernietigende machinerie; K]
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Hoe we de oceanen de vernieling in helpen
Verzuring oceanen bedreigt voedselvoorziening
Verzurende oceanen bereiden ecologische ramp tegen 2100
Toename CO2 in zee tast zenuwstelsel vissen aan
Overbevissing: Grote Oceaan wordt geplunderd
'Oceanen in 2050 leeggevist'
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