29 juni 2012

Bosbranden in VS tonen gezicht opwarmende aarde

Hittegolf in de VS: temperatuur op 29 juni. Bron National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).

US wildfires are what global warming really looks like, scientists warn
Reuters / The Guardian, 29 juni 2012

Later toegevoegd:

Voor de klimaatprobleemontkenners die eeuwig blijven roepen dat je uit incidentele weersomstandigheden (en natuurrampen) geen conclusies kan trekken:

Weather Gone Wild
Door Peter Miller, National Geographic, augustus/september 2012

The New Climate Dice: Public Perception Of Climate Change
Door James Hansen, Makiko Sato, and Reto Ruedy, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, augustus 2012

The greatest barrier to public recognition of human-made climate change is probably the natural variability of local climate. How can a person discern long-term climate change, given the notorious variability of local weather and climate from day to day and year to year?

Must-Read Hansen: 'Climate Change Is Here - And Worse Than We Thought'
Door Joe Romm, Climate Progress, 4 augustus 2012

Must-Read Trenberth: How To Relate Climate Extremes to Climate Change
Door Kevin E. Trenberth, senior scientist, National Center for Atmospheric Research, in the journal Climatic Change, hier ingeleid door Joe Romm bij de herpublicatie op Climate Progress, 25 maart 2012

The atmospheric and ocean environment has changed from human activities in ways that affect storms and extreme climate events. The main way climate change is perceived is through changes in extremes because those are outside the bounds of previous weather. The average anthropogenic climate change effect is not negligible, but nor is it large, although a small shift in the mean can lead to very large percentage changes in extremes. [...] The answer to the oft-asked question of whether an event is caused by climate change is that it is the wrong question. All weather events are affected by climate change because the environment in which they occur is warmer and moister than it used to be [cursivering door mij; K].

NBC Meteorologist On Record Heat Wave: “If We Did Not Have Global Warming, We Wouldn’t See This
Door Joe Romm, Climate progress, 30 juni 2012

We Are All ‘Climate Test Dummies’ Now, Providing Data On How Humans Respond To Extreme Weather
Door Joe Romm, Climate progress, 2 juli 2012

Amerikaanse media zwijgen klimaat dood in nieuws bosbranden
Trouw, 4 juli 2012

Scientists say ongoing weather extremes offer proof of climate change
Suzanne Goldenberg, The Guardian, 3 juli 2012

Markey/Waxman Report: Carbon Pollution Creating A ‘Cocktail Of Heat And Extreme Weather’
Door Joe Romm, Climate Progress, 25 september 2012

What Is Causing the Climate to Unravel?
Door Jeremy symons, Wildlife Promise, 3 juli 2012

While Colorado burns, Washington fiddles
Door Bill McKibben, The Guardian, 29 juni 2012

Huge Wildfires Burn on Opposite Sides of the Planet
Door john Williams, Universe Today, 29 juni 2012

[Ook in Siberië woeden momenteel hevige branden; K]

Heatwave hits Central Europe
Euronews, 7 augustus 2012

Drought Forces Reductions in U.S. Crop Forecasts
The New York Times, Door Ron Nixon en Annie Lowrey, 10 augustus 2012

Extreme hitte blijft Zuid-Europa teisteren
Door Steffie Ophalvens, Trouw, 10 augustus 2012

Hevige bosbranden in streek rond Barcelona en Valencia
Trouw / Belga, 30 juni 2012

S. Korea heat wave kills over 830,000 poultry
Asia Pacific News, 8 augustus 2012

Duizenden evacuaties na bosbranden Canarische Eilanden
NOS, 12 augustus 2012

Algerije geteisterd door bosbranden
Trouw, 15 augustus 2012

Poor monsoon rains hit millions of Indian farmers
Daily News, 27 augustus 2012

Zie ook:

'Epic dryness' feeding Western wildfires
Door Elizabeth Weise en Trevor Hughes, USA Today, 28 juni 2012

Monster fire terrorizes a Colorado city
Door Moni Basu, CNN, 28 juni 2012

Colorado Springs fire destroyed at least 346 homes
Door Tony Barboza en Laura J. Nelson, Los Angeles Times, 28 juni 2012

Waldo Canyon fire: Hell in the rearview mirror
Door Bill Vogrin, Colorado Springs Gazette, 27 jun 2012

Huge dust storm rolls through the Phoenix area
Door 3TV, AZFamily.com, 26 juni 2012

Heat Wave, Drought Visably Impacting Nation's Corn Supply
USAgNet.com / Croplife.com, 28 juni 2012

Wheat prices climb as heat takes toll on crops
Door Sany Short, Boston.com / AP, 27 juni 2012

Drought threatens U.S. food prices
Door Seth Perlman, AP / The Wasthington Post, 28 juni 2012

D.C. area forecast: Ready or not, here comes intense heat
Door A. Camden Walker, The Wasthington Times Local, 29 juni 2012

Heat Wave: High temps and high UV Index levels require protection
Door Emily Rittman en Ben Knaup, KSPR-abc-33, 26juni 2012

Heat wave: 1,000+ records fall in US in a week
Associated Press / Fox News, 27 juni 2012

Meer dan 60 bosbranden in westen Verenigde Staten
Trouw, 16 augustus 2012

Noodtoestand in noorden van Californië door bosbranden
Trouw, 23 augustus 2012


USGS on Dust-Bowlification: Drier conditions projected to accelerate dust storms in the U.S. Southwest
Door Joe Romm, Climate Progress, 7 april 2011

Nature Publishes My Piece on Dust-Bowlification and the Grave Threat It Poses to Food Security
Door Joe Romm, Climate Progress, 26 juni 2011

Andere uiterste:

Tropical storm Debby is gone, but damage is done
Door Jason Samenow, The Washington Post Local, 27 juni 2012

Deadly B.C. flooding continues to prompt evacuations, highway closures
The Canadian Press, 25 juni 2012

Assam flood biggest since 1998, toll 22
Hindustan Times, 28 juni 2012

Miljoen Indiërs vluchten voor wassende water
Trouw, 29 juni 2012

As Severe Storms Overwhelm China’s Infrastructure, Experts Warn That Climate Change Will Make The Problem Worse
Door Max Frankel, Climate Progress, 10 augustus 2012

‘Sprawling Heat Wave Of Historical Proportions’ Brings ‘Horrendous’ Wildfires To Australia
Door Jeff Spross, Climate Progress, 8 januari 2013

Off-The-Charts Heat Wave Brings Australia Its Hottest Average Temperature And New Map Colors For Temps Above 122°F!
Door Joe Romm, Climate Progress, 8 januari 2013

Verder m'n blognotities:
Opwarming van de aarde breekt morbide records
Hitte en megabosbrand in de VS
Droogte in UK ergste in 124 jaar
Klimaatverandering: voedseltekorten door droogte
Meer droogte en watersnood: klimaatverandering in actie
Droogte gaat grote delen van de wereld teisteren
Klimaatverandering en bosbranden
Bossen en klimaat gaan in rook op
Ground Zero van klimaatverandering: verwoestende droogte in Australië
Bosbranden door spintkever: nare feedback klimaatverandering
Helse hitte en hoog water

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