Door Burns Weston en David Bollier, Commons Law Project, juni 2012
If the human species is to overcome the many interconnected ecological catastrophes now confronting us, this moment in history requires that we entertain some bold modifications of our legal structures and political culture. We must find the means to introduce new ideas for effective and just environmental protection―locally, nationally, regionally, globally and points in between.
It is our premise that human societies will not succeed in overcoming our myriad eco-crises through better “green technology” or economic reforms alone; we must pioneer new types of governance that allow and encourage people to move from anthropocentrism to biocentrism, and to develop qualitatively different types of relationships with nature itself and, indeed, with each other. An economics and supporting civic polity that valorizes growth and material development as the precondition for virtually everything else is ultimately a dead end―literally.
Achieving a clean, healthy and ecologically balanced environment requires that we cultivate a practical governance paradigm based on, first, a logic of respect for nature, sufficiency, interdependence, shared responsibility and fairness among all human beings; and second, an ethic of integrated global and local citizenship that insists upon transparency and accountability in all activities affecting the integrity of the environment.
We believe that commons- and rights-based ecological governance can fulfill this logic and ethic. Properly done, it can move us beyond the neoliberal State and Market alliance―what we call the “State/Market”―which is chiefly responsible for the current, failed paradigm of ecological governance.
Our forthcoming book, Green Governance: Ecological Survival, Human Rights, and the Law of the Commons, outlines our ideas about new forms of governance that can advance a clean and healthy environment, by relying upon human rights principles and the social empowerment of commons. Green Governance will be published by Cambridge University Press in early 2013.
Participeren aan de natuur; Ontwerp voor een ecologisering van het wereldbeeld
Wim Zweers, 528 pagina's, Uitgeverij Jan van Arkel, 1995
Dit boek gaat over participeren: deelhebben aan de natuur. Dat is iets wat ons in het moderne, 'wetenschappelijke' tijdperk bijna volledig vreem geworden schijnt, een voltooid verleden tijd die volgens velen nooit meer terug kan komen. Hier wordt het tegendeel beweerd: dat deelhebben aan de natuur - als essentieel aspect van menselijke zingeving - een bij uitstek hedendaags en westers perspectief kan zijn dat ook geenszins op gespannen voet behoeft te staan met wetenschap of rationaliteit.
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