The World’s Fastest Growing Fossil Fuel: Coal Reaches 30 Percent Share Of Global Energy Market
Door Stephen Lacey, Climate Progress, 14 juni 2012
[...] [The] growth in coal consumption was the primary driver of the record levels of global carbon dioxide emissions in 2011, causing a leading energy economist to worry that “the door to a 2°C trajectory is about to close.”
And those emissions could be even higher than previously thought. According to peer-reviewed study released this week, there are major discrepancies between China’s national and provincial emissions data. The authors conclude that China’s actual 2010 CO2 emissions could be 1.4 Gt — or the equivalent of Japan, the world’s fourth-largest emitter.
Later toegevoegd:
The BLM’s Corrupt Coal Leasing Program: Billions In Subsidies To Peabody, Gigatons Of Carbon Pollution For The Rest Of Us
Door Joe Smyth, Climate Progress, 22 juni 2012
Kolenverbruik in Europa flink toegenomen
Trouw, 16 september 2012
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