Overstromingen in Australië
Door Joe Romm, climate Progress, 6 december 2010
As the As Cancun climate talks plod along in the 19th year of negotiations to address global warming pollution, new climate disasters are killing people across the planet.
- The worst wildfires in Israel’s history, fueled by record warmth and drought [en vorig jaar hadden we de ergste bosbranden in de geschiedenis van Rusland; K].
- Forty-two separate wildfires are burning in neighboring Lebanon, which has the same tinderbox conditions.
- Dynamic winter-storm systems driven by the rapidly warming Arctic have plunged much of Europe into killer cold weather for the second year in a row.
- Floods have hit Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia after 'three weeks of torrential rains' [volgens het NRC van vandaag kwalificeerde de Albanese minister van Binnenlandse Zaken de watersnood als de ergste in de geschiedenis van zijn land; idem dito voor Montenegro, volgens het meteorologische instituut aldaar; K].
- [De record-overstromingen in Pakistan afgelopen augustus liggen nog vers in het geheugen; K].
- Thousands of people have been evacuated amid catastrophic floods in Australia, with rivers still rising [update 26 december 2010: zie dit artikel in Trouw: 'Extreme regen en droogte in Australië'; en zie: 'In beeld: Queensland onder water' (3 januari 2010); K].
- Thunderstorms, high winds and tornadoes ripped through the southern United States.
- New Zealand is facing an intense heatwave and its third consecutive summer of drought.
- [Ook in Cambodja is het, net als vorig jaar, flink raak; K].
- [En zie: 'Alarming' Amazon Drought—River Hits New Low (National Geographic); K].
- Catastrophic rains this fall put two-thirds of Benin underwater -'the worst floods in living memory'.
Israeli forest fire sign of climate change: study
The Sydney Morning Herald, 10 december 2010
The year of living dangerously. Masters: “The stunning extremes we witnessed gives me concern that our climate is showing the early signs of instability”
Door Joe Romm, Climate Progress, 22 december 2010
Munich Re: "The only plausible explanation for the rise in weather-related catastrophes is climate change"
China: Extreme patterns speak of climate change
Peopledaily.com.cn, 31 december 2010
Terrific ABC News story: “Raging Waters In Australia and Brazil Product of Global Warming”
Door Joe Romm, Climate Progress, 14 januari 2011
"Scientists: Climate Change No Longer a Theory, It's Happening"
Masters on Brazilian floods: Brazil’s deadliest natural disaster in history - The role of near-record sea surface temperatures
Door Joe Romm, Climate Progress, 16 januari 2011
Catastrophic Weather Events Are Becoming the New Normal - Are You Ready for Life on Our Planet Circa 2011?
Door Bill McKibben, Alternet, 2 februari 2011
For two decades now we've been ignoring the increasingly impassioned pleas of scientists that our burning of fossil fuels was a bad idea. And now we're getting pinched.
Two seminal Nature papers join growing body of evidence that human emissions fuel extreme weather, flooding that harm humans and the environment
Door Joe Romm, 16 februari 2011
Connections between extreme weather and climate change
Climate Communication press conference, 7 september 2011
Meteorologist Masters: “The Climate Has Shifted to a New State Capable of Delivering Rare & Unprecedented Weather Events”
Door Christine Shearer, Conducive Chronicle / Climate Progress, 7 februari 2012
Nature: Strong Evidence Manmade ‘Unprecedented Heat And Rainfall Extremes Are Here … Causing Intense Human Suffering’
Door Joe Romm, Climate Progress, 26 maart 2012
It is very likely that several of the unprecedented extremes of the past decade would not have occurred without anthropogenic global warming.
'Door mens veroorzaakte weersextremen maken honderdduizenden slachtoffers'
Door Marco Visser, Trouw, 27 maart 2012
Mumbai, Miami on list for big weather disasters
Door Seth Borenstein, AP Science, 28 maart 2012
Reports link heat waves, deluges to climate change
Door Juliet Eilperin and Brian Vastag, The Washington Post, 28 maart 2012
Extreme weather events increased over past decade, study says
The Guardian / Reuters, 26 maart 2012
Warm weather, dearth of snow leave ski resorts scrambling to keep terrain, chairlifts open
Door Troy Hooper, Real Aspen, 30 maart 2012
Drought leaves half of Britain in water crisis
Door Nathan Rao, Daily Express, 28 maart 2012
Must-See Video: Has Global Warming Caused A Quantum Jump In Extreme Weather?
Door Joe Romm, Climate Progress, 17 april 2012
Too Hot Not To Notice? A Planet Connected By Wild Weather
Door Bill McKibben, Climate Progress, 3 mei 2012
New Mexico Wildfire Now a Record-Setting ‘Megafire’
Door Andrew Freedman, Climate Progress, 3 juni 2012
Massive Wildfires in Colorado, New Mexico Force Hundreds to Evacuate
Door Clayton Sandell, abc News, 11 juni 2012
As Western Wildfires Rage, Scientists Warn Of ‘Increasing Fire Activity Across Large Areas Of The Planet’
Door Stephen Lacey, Climate Progress, 12 juni 2012
Hell And High Water Strikes, Media Miss The Forest For The Burning Trees
Door Joe Romm, Climate Progress, 27 juni 2012
[...] Record-setting heat waves, wildfires, and deluges – at the same time — just what climate scientists have been forecasting for decades. That’s why I titled my 2006 book Hell and High Water.
En m'n blognotities:
Bosbranden in VS tonen gezicht opwarmende aarde
Opwarming van de aarde breekt morbide records
Klimaatverandering: 'Hell and High Water'
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