Photo: bee on sunflower, by Bill Bumgarner, Flickr
Bee decline already having dramatic effect on pollination of plants
Telegraph, 6 september 2010
Later toegevoegd:
Has the Mystery Behind Honey Bee Die-Offs Been Solved?
Tom Laskawy, Grist.org / Alternet, 20 oktober 2010
Have Bees Become Canaries In the Coal Mine? Why Massive Bee Dieoffs May Be a Warning About Our Own Health
Door Jill Richardson, Alternet, 12 februari 2012
What scientists are beginning to understand about the cause of colony collapse could be a message for all of us.
One-Third of U.S. Honeybee Colonies Died Last Winter, Threatening Food Supply
Door Brandon Keim, Wired, 8 mei 2013
Later toegevoegd (mooi nieuws als het klopt):
"The Bees Are All Right
Door Matt Miller, Slate, 29 juli 2016
After years of uncertainty, honeybees appear poised to recover from collapse.
Zie ook m'n blognotities:
Neonicotinoïden wellicht hoofdoorzaak bijensterfte
Bijen sterven massaal, zorgen over terminale neergang groeien
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