Zie ook hier en hier over deze moedige man:
'My Vision and Mission':
'I am humanist, Muslim, Pakistani and a Pukhtoon. To strive for the well being of the whole humanity, to uphold the cause of Muslim Ummah and to exalt the dignity of Pakistan and Pukhtoons is my mission. There is no contradiction between their interests, provided every issue is seen with justice and fair play.
In my opinion there are ten basic values which should be honored by every individual, community, country and the whole mankind. These essential and fundamental values are:
Human equality and democratic culture
Hard work and thorough struggle
Law abiding mentality
Wisdom and patience
Strong and well-coordinated welfare institutions for the down trodden classes
It is not possible for me to address the whole humanity so I address Muslim Ummah, Pakistan and Pukhtoons.'
Update 18 december:
Intussen in het andere kamp:
Radicale Pakistaanse geestelijke roept op tot moord op vrouw
NRC Handelsblad, 4 december 2010
Ter dood veroordeeld om woorden
Door Suzanna Koster, Trouw, 18 december 2010
Updates januari 2011:
Zie ook:
Moordenaar van gouverneur PUnjab is facebookheld
Door Petra Janbroers, De Pers, 6 januari 2011
Religieuze leiders Pakistan bejubelen moord gouverneur
Trouw, 6 januari 2011
Progressief pakistan is bang
Door Rob Vreeken, De Volkskrant (pagina 17), 12 januari 2011
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