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12 februari 2019

Green New Deal is democratische noodzaak, geen 'socialisme'

War II-scale action on climate. Here’s what that looks like.

Door Joe Romm, Think Progress / Climate Progress, 12 februari 2019

The Green New Deal resolution [volledige tekst: PDF] introduced last week by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) states that fighting climate change requires “a new national, social, industrial, and economic mobilization on a scale not seen since World War II.”

The world’s leading climate scientists agree. In 2015, for instance, they called for a sweeping mobilization — “a radical transition (deep decarbonization now and going forward),” as they described it — to avoid catastrophic impacts of climate change. And last October, the world’s nations unanimously agreed with our top scientists that preserving a livable climate requires “system changes” across the economy that “are unprecedented in terms of scale.”

Judging by their initial reactions to the Green New Deal resolution, President Donald Trump, Republican leaders, and other longtime opponents of climate action seem to have decided that the best way to block such an economy-wide mobilization is to try to paint it as “socialism.”

[...] Yes, the WWII effort was massive and sustained and impacted every facet of American life — from energy, transportation, and manufacturing to infrastructure and agriculture. But that did not require “socialism.” In fact, under President Franklin D. Roosevelt, “labor, business, government, education, and the military” all worked together “by democratic collaboration” to mobilize America for the war effort, as Lt. Col. Thomas Morgan explained in a 1994 article in the journal Army History.

> Lees het hele artikel

Later toegevoegd: 

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Door Naomi Klein, The Intercept, 13 februari 2019

[...] I have written before about why the old New Deal, despite its failings, remains a useful touchstone for the kind of sweeping climate mobilization that is our only hope of lowering emissions in time. [...] Which is why it is so critical to remember that none of it would have happened without massive pressure from social movements.

The Game-Changing Promise of a Green New Deal
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Nexus Media, 14 februari 2019

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'The most villainous act in the history of human civilisation.' Michael E Mann speaks out
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The Dangers Of Climate Change Pseudo-Activity
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A World Without Clouds
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Amazon, Google, and Microsoft are quietly helping Big Oil destroy the climate
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Big oil is set to spend $5 trillion on fossil fuels we can’t afford to burn
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Permafrost collapse is accelerating carbon release
Door Merritt R. Turetskt et al., Nature, 30 april 2019

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En zie mijn blogs:
De klimaatcrisis als (ont)sluitstuk van patriarchaal-culturele trauma's
Zeespiegelstijging: Nederland sluit de ogen voor mogelijke ondergang (en steekt de kop in zandsuppleties)
Smeltende permafrost kan meer methaan uitstoten dan gedacht: potentieel fatale feedback-loop
Zeespiegel van ijsvrije aarde
Hansen: aarde kan tweede Venus worden

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Anoniem21:42

    Ik zie nu pas dat het blog nog actief bijgehouden wordt. Wil graag kwijt dat ik Ikje Ergens mis op Twitter. De immer scherpe analyses heb ik altijd zeer gewaardeerd. Onmisbaar om eerlijk te zijn nu extreemrechts zo tekeer gaat wereldwijd. En o.a. het klimaat daar de dupe van wordt. Gelukkig is er AOC. De hoop in bange tijden. Met de green new deal. Dank voor alle harde werk. Je wordt gemist.

    1. Dankje! Over de klimaatcrisis zal ik wellicht zo heel nu en dan nog wat doorgeven op m'n blog. Verder hooguit iets in de sfeer van filosofie.
      Tweeten zal ik niet meer, misschien tenzij ik een andere invalshoek - 'opbouwendheid in plaats van strijd' - zou vinden.
