What If Your Income Grew As Fast As the 1 Percent's?
Door Dave Gilson, Jaeah Lee en Ben Breedlove, Mother Jones, 5 december 2013
Ooit machtige Britse arbeidersklasse nu weggezet als “tokkies”
Door Gregor Eglitz, Doorbraak.eu, 9 december 2013
[...] Vier decennia van privatisering, deïndustrialisering, een politiek van verdeel en heers en culturele en maatschappelijke marginalisering hebben geleid tot een situatie waarin het arbeidersklassebestaan is verkommerd van een bron van trots en saamhorigheid tot een bron van schaamte en afschuw. Jones legt [in zijn boek 'Chavs'] de mechanismen van demonisering en uitsluiting bloot [...].
The poorest pay the price for austerity: Workers face biggest fall in living standards since Victorian era
Door Nigel Morris, The Independent, 8 december 2013
3 Ways the Super-Rich Suck Wealth out of the Rest of Us
Door Paul Buchheit, AlterNet, 8 december 2013
The financial industry has, in effect, created a whole new share of global wealth and redistributed much of it to itself.
New York has the highest number of homeless children since the Great Depression. This is one of their stories
Door Andrea Elliot, The New York Times, 9 december 2013
The Bankruptcy and Privatization of Detroit Is a Terrifying Preview of What Republicans Want to Do to the Rest of the Country
Door Thom Hartmann, AlterNet, 8 december 2013
[...] It’s not public just workers who will suffer - the whole city is on the chopping block. Kevyn Orr wants the city’s art collection sold off. The water department might be put on the market. And to top it all off, right-wing billionaires are trying to buy Belle Isle Park and turn it into some sort of libertarian-gambling paradise.
Global Elites Getting Nervous About Skyrocketing Inequality (But Won't Spare a Nickel to Fix It)
Door Lynbn Stuart Parramore, AlterNet, 2 december 2013
When it comes to economic issues, elites and ordinary folks are often at odds, but according to a recent Pew survey, they converge on identifying the gap between rich and poor as a major flaw in the system.
[...] The global elites are sittting on piles of obscene wealth, but they also have two big problems:
- Soft demand: When people are too poor to buy goods and services, businesses suffer and the whole economy lags.
- Prospects of increasing social unrest: When people are so squeezed that they think they have nothing to lose by taking to the streets, the wealthy have to hide behind barricades.
The global situation is crazy and probably unstable, and the 0.01 percent knows it. The question is, what are they prepared to do about it?
Not much — not yet, anyway.
The Time for Wealth Redistribution Is Now
Door Robert Reich, AlterNet, 6 december 2013
The U.S. economy will continue to dangerously erode the futures of America's burgeoning low-wage workforce without spreading the wealth.
Documentaire Inequality for All; A Passionate Argument on Behalf of the Middel Class
Door Robert Reich, 2013
In zijdelings verband:
Time to be Afraid in America: The Frightening Pattern of Throwing Police Power at Social Problems
Door Chase Madar, Tom Dispatch / AlterNet, 8 december 2013
Later toegevoegd:
World's top 300 billionaires richer by US$524b in 2013
Business Times, 3 januari 2013
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