
Kustaw Bessems, de chef van het nieuwe VK-katern, schrijft er bij wijze van minuscuul schaamlapje nog wel bij dat Murray 'omstreden' is. Om vervolgens vol in te zetten op zijn visie[*]. Het gaat hier om Murray's recente boek Coming Apart (januari 2012). Daarin richt Murray zijn pijlen niet op zwarten, maar op de leefwijze van blanke Amerikanen in slechte buurten, c.q. in een deel van Philadelphia.
In onderstaand artikel wordt dit boek bekritiseerd:
The right's newest welfare queen is white. And from Philly.
Door Daniel Denvir, Philadelphia Citypaper, 13 februari 2012
De belangrijkste fout die Murray maakt, signaleert Denvir, is dat hij vermeende tekenen van de teloorgang van de 'vlijt' (industriousness) die de betreffende bevolkingsgroep ooit eigen geweest zou zijn, verzuimt te relateren aan een uiterst voor de hand liggende oorzaak: het verval van de industriële infrastructuur (industry). Een sociologische doodzonde. Zodoende wekt Murray de indruk dat het eerste niet (in hoge mate) het gevolg is van het laatste, maar omgekeerd: zedelijk verval als (belangrijkste) oorzaak van economische achteruitgang.
Wat in zo'n benadering onder meer buiten schot blijft, zijn de desastreuze sociale gevolgen van het massaal ontslaan van fabrieksarbeiders omdat de productie wordt verplaatst naar landen waar de lonen een stuk lager liggen (lees: waar men arbeiders nog ongehinderd kan uitbuiten). Precies het soort maatregelen dat bazen à la Mitt Romney aan de lopende band nemen. Maar die behoren nu juist tot de 'successful people in managerial and professional occupations - the elites who are in positions of influence over the nation’s economy, media, intellectual life, and politics', aldus Murray.
Kortom: de laan uitgestuurde arbeiders trekken Amerika het moeras in; bedrijven opdoekende en belasting ontduikende managers maken het land tot een economisch en financieel succes. Dat u daar zelf nog niet op was gekomen, zo simpel is het, nietwaar?
Toen Bessems de zienswijze van Murray in Vonk ('Nederland bekeken door de bril van Charles Murray') lanceerde, was nog niet het filmpje gepubliceerd waarin Mitt Romney 47 procent van de bevolking van de VS uitmaakt voor types die menen dat de regering maar voor ze moet zorgen en die geen inkomstenbelasting betalen (de feitelijke onjuistheid van het laatste wordt hier uit de doeken gedaan). Het zou me niet verbazen als Murray's Coming Apart een van de zetjes is geweest die Romney onvoorzichtig en loslippig heeft gemaakt.
Het is griezelig en kwalijk dat Kustaw Bessems een elitistische, racistische, sociologische kwakzalver annex neocon introduceert als een bonafide leverancier van ideeën voor het publieke debat hier te lande.
Welke vonk[2] wil die beste Kustaw laten overspringen? De vonk van neoconservatief racisme? Van het opstoken van maatschappelijke tegenstellingen? Van broeierig-ultrarechtse vooroordelen in den brede?
Wat zit nog in dit Volkskrant-vat? Surinamers bekeken door de bril van Charles Murray? De Bell Curve van Turken? Het IQ van Randstedelijke rifapen[3]?
[*] Later toegevoegde noot: deze blog is polemischer van toon dan ik nu voor terecht houdt. Ik ben Kustaw Bessems geleidelijk juist gaan waarderen als een integere journalist.
Zie verder de noten onderaan; en:
Is the White Working Class Coming Apart?
Door David Frum, The Daily Beast, 6 februari 2012
Charles Murray's New Book 'Coming Apart' Shamelessly Blames the Victims of Our Economic Collapse
Door Naomi Cahn en June Carbone, Alternet, 8 februari 2012
The self-appointed moral Czar condemns working people for lack of character while ignoring economic realities.
Uitvoerige en vernietigende bespreking[4] van The Bell Curve door de gerenommeerde wetenschapper en intellectueel Stephen Jay Gould:
Stephen Jay Gould, The New Yorker, 28 november 1994
The Bell Curve Flattened
Door Nicholas Lemann, Slate, 18 januari 1997
Debunking The Bell Curve
Links naar kritische artikelen over theorie van Murray en Herrnstein
Myth: The Bell Curve is a top-level work of science; Fact: Most psychologists and geneticists regard it as crank science.
Huppie.com - met veel referenties
Racism Resurgent; How Media Let The Bell Curve's Pseudo-Science Define the Agenda on Race
Door Jim Naureckas, Fair, januari/februari 1995
You've got to be taught to hate and fear...; The Bell Curveball (Part I,II and III)[5]
Door Eric Alterman, MediaMatters for America, 4 april 2007 (eerder gepubliceerd in 2003)
Andrew Sullivan Revives Racist "Bell Curve" Argument - Here's Why He's Wrong
Steven D., Booman Tribune / Alternet, 30 november 2012
Later toegevoegd:
Rijke kinderen veel vaker naar vwo
Nu.nl, 8 oktober 2012
[Maar - en daarom vermeld ik dit bericht bij deze blognotitie - beleid om meer kinderen van ouders met relatief lage inkomens op het VWO te krijgen, blijkt te werken; K]
En m'n blognotities:
Martin Sommer kukelt over het extreemrechtse randje
Marbe vergoelijkt fascistoïde gebral van Holman
Groene Amsterdammer de fout in met Holman
Joop.nl herbergt extreemlinks en een antisemiet
De PVV achter het masker van vrijheid en fatsoen
Jeroen Wollaars (NOS) als spreekbuis van Breivik
De neoconisering van het NOS-nieuws
[1] Zie verder noot[4b] hieronder en het lemma IQ and Race in Skeptic's Dictionary:
[...] 'The research on IQ and race by Arthur Jensen, William Shockley, Herrnstein and Murray (The Bell Curve) and others have not found any significant correlations between race and intelligence. They have found correlations between race and IQ, which has been used to support the notion that some races are intellectually inferior to others. Not surprising is the fact that different researchers using different data get different results. Richard Lynn and James Flynn came to quite different conclusions regarding Asian IQ, for example.'
[...] 'Are the studies of no value that show African-Americans or Asians doing differently than so-called "white" Americans on standardized IQ tests? That is, is the work of people like Herrnstein and Murray worthless? No. It is valuable data, but it is also explosive data because of our racist political history. The data is also often wrong [c.q. non-IQ-factoren krijgen veel te weinig gewicht, zoals in deze studie is aangetoond; K]. Such data will inevitably be exploited by white supremacists, twisted for their own political goals and used not to improve racial relations in America but to encourage further racial strife. Such data consists mainly of correlations. And while correlations should convince orthodox empirical scientists of nothing, to the racist researcher, correlations are the heart and soul of their work. [...] In fact, Herrnstein and Murray, in chapter after chapter, call for social reforms to improve the status of blacks in America. They may be disingenuous calls, but they are nevertheless inconsistent with the notion that the social condition of blacks in America is due to genetic factors. If genes led to the black underclass of young thugs who murder each other on a daily basis in almost every city in America, then there would be no point in calling for educational or vocational programs, no point in urging a change of focus for black men and women in their families [...].'

De Volkskrant mocht trouwens van de nazi's blijven verschijnen, omdat die zich - net als De Telegraaf en het Algemeen Dagblad - keurig aan de Duitse censuur hield, in tegenstelling tot Het Parool en Vrij Nederland. Het is dus niet voor het eerst dat zielloze conformisten aan de tijdgeest (ik druk me maar even beleefd uit) als Philippe Remarque en Martin Sommer op sleutelposities zitten van de Volkskrant.
Ik hou het er maar op dat Bessems c.s. zich van het bovenstaande niet bewust zijn geweest en het (dus) ook niet even hebben nagezocht. Anders is de keuze van de titel van de VK-bijlage wel bijzonder ongepast, temeer met een racistische socioloog in het eerste nummer en de grimmige, evenals de naam 'Vonk' retro-achtige en onheilspellende tekening in (oranje)rood, zwart & wit op de cover.
[3] Bert Brussen, door de Volkskrant binnengehaald als columnist, heeft het 'volk' van Marokkaanse Nederlanders op Twitter (in 2010) uitgescholden voor 'rifapen; onderontwikkelde agressieve primaten'.
[4] Fragment bespreking van The Bell Curve door Stephen Jay Gould:
[...] Herrnstein and Murray discuss only the issue that seems to support their viewpoint, while virtually ignoring (and in one key passage almost willfully hiding) the other. Their numerous graphs present only the form of the relationships; that is, they draw the regression curves of their variables against IQ and parental socioeconomic status. But, in violation of all statistical norms that I've even learned, they plot only the regression curve and do not show the scatter of variation around the curve, so their graphs do not show anything about the strength of the relationships—that is, the amount of variation in social factors explained by IQ and socioeconomic status. Indeed, almost all their relationships are weak: very little of the variation in social factors is explained by either independent variable (though the form of this small amount of explanation does lie in their favored direction). In short, their own data indicate that IQ is not a major factor in determining variation in nearly all the social behaviors they study—and so their conclusions collapse, or at least become so greatly attenuated that their pessimism and conservative social agenda gain no significant support.
'[...] The Bell Curve is scarcely an academic treatise in social theory and population genetics. It is a manifesto of conservative ideology; the book's inadequate and biased treatment of data display its primary purpose—advocacy. The text evokes the dreary and scary drumbeat of claims associated with conservative think tanks: reduction or elimination of welfare, ending or sharply curtailing affirmative action in schools and workplaces, cutting back Head Start and other forms of preschool education, trimming programs for the slowest learners and applying those funds to the gifted. (I would love to see more attention paid to talented students, but not at this cruel price.)
The penultimate chapter presents an apocalyptic vision of a society with a growing underclass permanently mired in the inevitable sloth of their low IQs. They will take over our city centers, keep having illegitimate babies (for many are too stupid to practice birth control), and ultimately require a kind of custodial state, more to keep them in check—and out of high IQ neighborhoods—than to realize any hope of amelioration, which low IQ makes impossible in any case. Herrnstein and Murray actually write, "In short, by custodial state, we have in mind a high–tech and more lavish version of the Indian reservation for some substantial minority of the nation's population, while the rest of America tries to go about its business."
The final chapter tries to suggest an alternative, but I have never read anything more grotesquely inadequate. Herrnstein and Murray yearn romantically for the good old days of towns and neighborhoods where all people could be given tasks of value, and self–esteem could be found for people on all steps of the IQ hierarchy (so Forrest Gump might collect clothing for the church raffle, while Mr. Murray and the other GL bright ones do the planning and keep the accounts—they have forgotten about the town Jew and the dwellers on the other side of the tracks in many of these idyllic villages). I do believe in this concept of neighborhood, and I will fight for its return. I grew up in such a place in Queens. But can anyone seriously find solutions for (rather that important palliatives of) our social ills therein?
However, if Herrnstein and Murray are wrong, and IQ represents not an immutable thing in the head, grading human beings on a single scale of general capacity with large numbers of custodial incompetents at the bottom, then the model that generates their gloomy vision collapses, and the wonderful variousness of human abilities, properly nurtured, reemerges. We must fight the doctrine of The Bell Curve both because it is wrong and because it will, if activated, cut off all possibility of proper nurturance for everyone's intelligence. [...]'
[5] Fragmenten van het artikel:
[a] '[...] in 1982, however, Charles Murray, was still a "nobody" in the words of William Hammett, president of the Manhattan Institute, and about to be Murray's chief patron. Murray's ascendancy would never have been possible without the patient, far-sighted investments in his work by a conservative network of funders and foundations, including the reclusive billionaire, Richard Mellon Scaife, the Olin Foundation, the Manhattan Institute, the American Enterprise Institute, and, perhaps most significantly, Milwaukee's Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation. They not only supported Murray when he needed time to research and write his books, they funded elaborate publicity campaigns to ensure that Murray's argument would dominate media discourse.'
[b] 'Interestingly, while The Bell Curve sets out to achieve the same aims as Losing Ground [een eerdere publicatie van Murray; K] - the reduction and eventual elimination of all transfer payments [zoals sociale uitkeringen; K] to the poor and indigent - it does so by directly contradicting Losing Ground's central argument. In Losing Ground, Murray placed the lion's share of responsibility for the creation of the American underclass at the feet of government anti-poverty programs, primarily welfare. "Focusing on blacks cripples progress," he declared in a 1986 op-ed piece (titled "Not a Matter of Race"), as Mickey Kaus later noted, traditional explanations of the special problems facing blacks nearly all begin with the assumption that blacks are different from everyone else, whether because of racism or because of their inherent qualities. But in The Bell Curve, Murray attributed the existence of an underclass to the "true" difference between blacks and whites - the intellectual deficiency of blacks (among others), whose IQ scores averaged 15 points below those of whites. Moreover, in The Bell Curve, Murray argues that entry to the welfare rolls almost qualifies as prima facie evidence of a low IQ, while in Losing Ground, he purported - albeit using cooked statistics - to demonstrate that in many instances, it was a perfectly rational choice over certain job choices and even sometimes marriage.
Though he contradicted his earlier argument, Murray marketed his book by relying on the same psychological insight he made in his proposal for the first one: namely that many people worried that, privately, they were racists who yearned for expert reassurance that the rest of the nation shared their prejudice. "The private dialogue about race in America is far different from the public one," he wrote in The New Republic. The Bell Curve aimed to replace the public dialogue - the one in which all peoples were deemed created equal, their genetic makeup considered to be only a portion of their destiny - and replace it with the private one in which blacks and Latinos were understood to be inferior to whites and Asians.'