Door Paul Spence at al., Geophysical Research Letters, 12 juli 2014
Projected changes in the winds circling the Antarctic may accelerate global sea level rise significantly more than previously estimated. Changes to Antarctic winds may have a profound impact on warming ocean temperatures under the ice shelves along the coastline of West and East Antarctic. Projected Antarctic wind shifts were included in a detailed global ocean model, and the authors found water up to 4°C warmer than current temperatures rose up to meet the base of the Antarctic ice shelves.
Zie ook (deels later toegevoegd):
Scientists Warn of Rising Oceans From [South] Polar Melt
Door Justin Gillis en Kenneth Chang, The New York Times, 12 mei 2014
[...] The heat-trapping gases could destabilize other parts of Antarctica as well as the Greenland ice sheet, potentially causing enough sea-level rise that many of the world’s coastal cities would eventually have to be abandoned.
Smelten van ijskappen op Antarctica niet te stoppen
Trouw, 19 mei 2014
More Evidence Global Surface Temperatures Poised To Rise Rapidly
Door Joe Romm, Climate Progress, 22 juli 2014
A new study finds that when climate models factor in the temporary warming and cooling impact of El Niño and La Niña, they accurately predict recent global warming. And that is consistent with recent studies that led one climatologist to say, "Global temperatures look set to rise rapidly."
Global warming continues to accelerate.
Change In Antarctic Sea Ice Trend Not So Extreme, Study Finds
Door Joe Romm, Climate Progress, 23 juli 2014
If We Release a Small Fraction of Arctic Carbon, 'We're Fucked': Climatologist
Door Brian Merchant, Motherboard, 1 augustus 2014
[Over een alarmerend onderzoek van methaan-pluimen uit de bodem van de oceaan bij de Noordpool; K]
Scientists Discover Hundreds Of Methane Leaks Bubbling From The Floor Of The Atlantic Ocean
Door Jeff Spross, Climate Progress, 26 augustus 2014
NOAA: Record Antarctic Sea Ice Growth Linked To Its Staggering Loss Of Land Ice
Door Joe Romm, Climate Progress, 8 oktober 2014
Gigantische ijsvlakte Antarctica staat op breken
Door Barbara Debusschere, de Volkskrant, 14 februari 2015
The West Antarctic Ice Sheet Melt: Defending the Drama
Door Elizabeth Kolbert, The New Yorker, 23 maart 2015
Shrinking of Antarctic ice shelves is accelerating
Door Laurence Padman, Fernando Paolo en Helen Amanda Fricker, The Conversation / Science, 26 maart 2015
Antarctica Recorded Its Hottest Temperature Ever This Week
Door Ari Phillips, Climate Progress / Weather Underground, 28 maart 2015
En m'n blognotities:
West-Antarctica en Groenland smelten sneller dan gedacht; catastofe bijna onafwendbaar
IPCC: kritische grens klimaat in 30 jaar bereikt bij business as usual
Als boter: ijsmassa's kunnen sneller smelten dan gedacht
Aarde verliest vijfhonderd miljard ton ijs per jaar
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