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09 juli 2013

Afrika: jagen op bestelling moet worden gestopt

We Have to Stop the 'Canned Hunting' of African Wildlife
Door Barbara Bennett,, 1 juli 2013

The author of 'Soul of a Lion' tells of her rescue work with animals in Africa and the latest fad that’s destroying them. [...] In South Africa [...] tame lions that have never lived in the wild and don't fear people are paraded out in front of a hunter at close range, and the hunter shoots it, taking the head or pelt home and telling his friends about his "dangerous" hunting experience in Africa.

The details are horrifying [...]. Currently in South Africa, over 5,000 lions wait in breeding facilities throughout the country to be killed—at a price ranging from $15,000 to $50,000 per animal.

[...] Some of the hunters are German and Australian, but the vast majority of the people driving the demand are Americans. One breeder of lions says some Americans come to Africa and want to kill ten animals in one week. 

Boek Making a Killing; South Africa's Canned Lion Scandal
Gareth Patterson, The Captive Animals' Protection Society, 2000, 82 pagina's

Boek Soul of a Lion; One Woman's Quest to Rescue Africa's Wildlife Refugees
Barbara Benett, National Geographic Society, 2010, 320 pagina's

Zie ook m'n blognotities:
Nog maar 3200 tijgers in het wild
Illegale ivoorhandel bedreigt Afrikaanse olifant (opnieuw)
68 procent minder leeuwen in Afrika sinds 1960
Steeds meer neushoorns gedood door stropers 
Dieren in bedreigd regenwoud Sumatra
Afrika: leefgebieden van grote apen krimpen sterk
Doodstrijd orang-oetan als symbool voor stervende bossen
Brits bedrijf wil naar olie boren in Congolees natuurpark voor berggorilla's
IJsbeer bereikt kraamkamer niet meer
Groot deel planten- en diersoorten bedreigd

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