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27 september 2012

Politie Texas martelt activisten pijplijn teerzandolie

TransCanada Actively Encouraged Torture Tactics to be Used on Peaceful Protesters, 25/26 september 2012

[...] two Texans, Shannon Beebe and Benjamin Franklin, were subjected to torture tactics at the hands of police under the active encouragement of TransCanada senior supervisors.

Beebe and Franklin were exercising their constitutional rights to nonviolent protest when they locked themselves to Keystone XL construction machinery outside Winnsboro, Texas and delayed construction for most of the day. Police began using aggressive pain compliance tactics when a senior TransCanada supervisor named John arrived and actively encouraged it. Torture tactics included; sustained chokeholds, violent arm-twisting, pepper spray, and multiple uses of Tasers, all while blockaders where in handcuffs.

Tar Sands Blockade - Stop Keystone XL Pipeline

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