Door Martha Rosenberg, Altetnet, 9 mei 2012
Thanks to factory farming's massive economies of scale, a lot of food today is disgusting or cruel or disgusting and cruel. [...] Food scandals are so costly to Big Food that it has repeatedly tried to kill the messenger rather than clean up its act. [...]
1. rBGH [groeihormonen; K] in Milk - We're Drinking What?
2. Eggs With a Side of Salmonella
3. The Drug Store in Your Meat
4. "Free Antibiotics" in Food and Water
5. Meat Inspection by the "Have a Cup of Coffee and Pray" Method
6. Foie Gras - A Delicacy from Hell
7. Extreme Growth Promoters
8. Mad Cow Disease - It's Baaaaaack
9. Brave New Clones
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En treffers van Google op:
Antibiotica in de bio-industrie kweekt resistente bacteriën
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