Update 6 mei: een van de ingezonden foto's - getiteld 'Waar is al het water gebleven?' - van de actiedag Connect The Dots, gemaakt in Nieuw-Zeeland. Klik hier om alle foto's te zien.
At some point every one of us at 350 has thought to ourselves a little despairingly: is the world ever going to catch on to climate change? Today is one of those days when it feels like it just might happen.
A story on the front page of yesterday’s New York Times described a new poll - Americans in record numbers are understanding that the planet is warming because they’re seeing the “freaky” weather that comes with climate change.
And the story ends by describing the next step in this process: May 5, the giant Connect the Dots day that people are joining all around the globe: www.ClimateDots.org
When the zeitgeist conspires to help our efforts, we need to make the most of it. Two weeks is plenty of time to organize a beautiful photo for May 5, one that will help spread this idea. Are you in a place where flood and rain have caused havoc? Ten people with umbrellas can make a memorable “climate dot” for all the world to see. You’ll think of something appropriate for your place - and you can find lots of examples and ideas here.
This movement is growing quickly, and with not a moment to spare - new data from scientists like Jim Hansen at NASA shows that our carbon emissions have already made extreme weather many times more likely. We can’t take back the carbon we’ve already poured into the atmosphere, but if we work together hard and fast then we can keep it from getting steadily worse.
Bill McKibben, 350.org - auteur van onder meer de boeken:
Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet (2010);
The End of Nature (2006)
Zie ook m'n blognotities:
'Doemrapporten maken mensen murw'
Het grimmige verloop van klimaatverandering
Hansen: aanpak CO2-uitstoot over 10 jaar is te laat
Zie ook:
Too Hot Not To Notice? A Planet Connected By Wild Weather
Door Bill McKibben, Climate Progress, 3 mei 2012
Achim Steiner: 'We haven't even begun to understand the damage we are bringing to bear on the sustainability of our planet'
Door Michael McCarty, The Independent, 9 april 2012
Climate Activists Tell Warren Buffett Why They Are Blocking His Coal Trains
E-mail by James Hansen to Buffet, published on Climate Progress, 2 mei 2012
Why Fighting Coal Export Terminals Matters
Door David Roberts, Grist / Climate Progress, 2 mei 2012
En m'n blognotities:
Droogte in UK ergste in 124 jaar
Meer droogte en watersnood: klimaatverandering in actie
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